Alg. Geo. Homework 1: Twisted Cubic

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I’m trying to study a bit for the upcoming exams, one of them is for a weirdly structured “geometry” course made up by 2/3 intro Differential Geometry (smooth manifolds) and 1/3 Algebraic Geometry (disappointingly ‘800 style i.e. no schemes, just a ton of examples and definitions and boredom).

I’ll try to do some of the exercises, typing them up is more of a challenge to myself and a way to motivate me slightly more (such is life), this is just a disclaimer that this kind of post may be super boring even moreso than usual.

Let’s talk about the twisted cubic. It’s a curve that arises as a special case of the Veronese map

v : \mathbb P^1 \to \mathbb P^3
[x, y] \mapsto [x^3, x^2y, xy^2, y^3]

or, in affine coordinates, by t \mapsto (t, t^2, t^3). In other words we are talking about C = v(\mathbb P^1).

Exercise 1. Consider the following homogenous polynomials F_0 = Z_0Z_2 - Z_1^2, F_1 = Z_0Z_3 - Z_1Z_2 and F_2 = Z_1Z_3 - Z_2^2 and the quadrics Q_i = V(F_i) they define in \mathbb P^3. Prove that C = Q_0 \cap Q_1 \cap Q_2.

Ok, it’s straightforward to prove that a point of C is in the zero locus of all three polynomials, let’s do the converse.
Let p = [z_0, z_1, z_2, z_3] \in Q_0 \cap Q_1 \cap Q_2 , since we are in projective space we know these coordinates cannot all be zero, thus we note that z_0, z_3 cannot be simultaneously zero otherwise $latex F_0(p) = z_0z_2 – z_1^2 = 0$ implies z_1 = 0 and F_2(p) = z_1z_3 - z_2^2 = 0 implies z_2 = 0.

Suppose z_0 \neq 0, then we find a preimage for p through the Veronese map, namely v(z_0, z_1) = [z_0^3, z_0^2z_1, z_0z_1^2, z_1^3] = [z_0, z_1, z_1^2/z_0, z_1^3/z_0^2], indeed since p must satisfy those polynomial relations we see F_0(p) = z_0z_2 - z_1^2 = 0 implies z_2 = z_1^2/z_0 and F_1(p) = z_0z_3-z_1z_2 = 0 implies z_3 = z_1z_2/z_0 = z_1^3/z_0, thus p = v(z_0, z_1) \in C.
(and similarly in the case z_0 = 0, z_3 \neq 0).

Exercise 2. Prove that all three quadrics are necessary, namely that any two of them intersect in the twisted cubic plus a line: Q_i \cap Q_j = C \cup L

This is only slightly more involved, I’m going to do it with the first two quadrics. Let p = [z_0, z_1, z_2, z_3] \in Q_0 \cap Q_1.
If z_0 = 0 then, as before, F_0(p) = 0\implies z_1 = 0, this time though F_1 becomes just the null polynomial giving no information and there’s no other relation. Thus any point of the form [0, 0, z_2, z_3] belongs to the intersection (and this is the line).

If z_0 \neq 0 then we do the same trick as before deducing the relations z_2 = z_1^2/z_0, z_3 = z_1^3/z_0^2 from the polynomials and verifying that indeed p = [z_0, z_1, z_1^2/z_0, z_1^3/z_0^2] = [z_0^3, z_0^2z_1, z_0z_1^2, z_1^3] \in C.

The twisted cubic and a line
(in some affine chart)

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