0th Singular Homology

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Warning: very boring post! Just revising some basic stuff in algebraic topology.

Consider a topological space X and its connected components X = \coprod_i X_i, can we say something about its singular homology?
Now, singular homology is built up (or perhaps quotiented down) from S_\bullet (X) = \oplus_q S_q(X), the module of singular chains. A q-chain is a (formal) \mathbb Z-linear combination of continuous maps \sigma : \Delta_q \to X called singular q-simplices (where \Delta_q is the standard q-simplex).

The fact that the standard q-simplex is connected and that any singular simplex \sigma is continuous tells us that the image must belong to exactly one connected component of the total space: \sigma(\Delta_q) \subseteq X_i for some index i.
Thus S_\bullet (X) = \bigoplus_i S_\bullet(X_i), (the sum is directed as the S_\bullet(X_i) are disjoint by the same connectedness argument).

Homology’s final ingredient is the boundary map, \partial_q : S_q(X) \to S_{q-1}(X). Without giving a precise definition (which makes use of the orientation of the standard simplex), let’s just say that it sends a singular q-simplex \sigma to a certain linear combination of singular (q-1)-simplices obtained by restricting \sigma along the (q-1)-faces of \Delta_q, thus \sigma \in S_q(X_i) implies \partial_q(\sigma) \in S_{q-1}(X_i).

Let’s call \partial^i_q the restriction to the subspace S_q(X_i) \subseteq S_q(X), since these are disjoint we get \partial_q = \sum_i \partial^i_q (with some healthy abuse of notation (?)) from which we get B_q = {\rm Im} (\partial_{q+1}) = \bigoplus_i {\rm Im}(\partial^i_{q+1}) = \bigoplus_i B_q(X_i).
Finally since \sigma \in \ker(\partial_q) \iff \sigma \in \ker(\partial^i_q) for some i, we get Z_q(X) = \ker(\partial_q) \cong \bigoplus_i \ker(\partial^i_q) = \bigoplus_i Z_q(X_i).

When quotienting out the borders we can distribute the direct sums finding \begin{aligned} H_q(X) & = Z_q(X)/B_q(X) =\frac{\oplus_i Z_q(X_i)}{\oplus_j B_q(X_j)} \\ & = \bigoplus_i \frac{Z_q(X_i)}{\oplus_j B_q(X_j)} = \bigoplus_i Z_q(X_i)/B_q(X_i) = \bigoplus_i H_q(X_i) \end{aligned}

Now let X be an arc connected space and let x_0 \in X.
A singular 0-chain is then a finite sum c = \sum_k n_k \sigma_k, we can blurry the distinction between singular 0-simplices and points in the space, in fact let x_k = \sigma_k.

Let \gamma_k : I \to X be arcs connecting x_0 = \gamma_k(0) to x_k = \gamma_k(1) at its endpoints, since I \cong \Delta_1 we can interpret each arc as a singular 1-simplex!
Let’s calculate their images under the boundary map: \partial_1(\gamma_k) = \gamma(1) -\gamma(0) = x_k - x_0.

Consider b = \sum_k n_k\partial_1(\gamma_k), it’s a border thus representing the zero class in homology, thus subtracting it from c won’t change anything when we quotient out.

c - b = \sum_k n_kx_k - \sum_j n_j(x_j - x_0)) = \sum_k n_k x_0 \in \mathbb Z \langle x_0 \rangle.
We’ve thus shown that, up to a border, any singular 0-chain is just a multiple of x_0, so H_0(X) \cong \mathbb Z\langle x_0 \rangle \cong \mathbb Z.

Going back to our original space X = \coprod_i X_i we finally found

H_0 (X) = \bigoplus_i H_0(X_i) \cong \bigoplus_i \mathbb Z

in other words the 0th singular homology of a space is a free \mathbb Z-module whose rank equals the number (or cardinality of the set of) its connected components!

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